Kamis, 31 Mei 2012



Basic assumption by recording sales taxes:
  • The accrual : record of all transactions. 
  • The continuation of business : of each company founded assumed to be alive / keep up, and none would ever go bankrupt. This assumption is used in order to create long-term transactions.
Tax basis of recording the sale of the same according to the records according to Accounting, it is not necessary fiscal correction on the sale.
Recording Basic Supplies:
  1. Physical / Periodic (See stockdi warehouse) : COGS is calculated at each end of the period. When there is an incoming or outgoing goods, does not directly affect the supply of merchandise.
  2. Perpetual (Using card stock)  : There Settiap goods into or out of, directly recorded so directly affects the supply of merchandise. Tax basis of recording the inventory according to the same according to accounting records, it is not necessary fiscal correction on the stock.
Basic Assessment Inventory Shows the purchase price is to serve as the basis for determining its COGS. There are three kinds of inventory valuation method, namely:
  1. FIFO : Used to negarra of inflation to increase profit.
  2. LIFO : Used for the deflation negarra to enlarge profits.
  3. Average
Version of the tax, LIFO method is prohibited by the tax, because the state of Indonesia which will make a return of inflation to be down or a small company, so the tax paid to small and merugukan state. So if there are companies that use LIFO necessary fiscal correction.  
  1. By SAK : Obtained from the normal activities of companies (called revenue) and the activity is not normal (called profit).
  2. According to the Tax : Income is recognized, there are tax laws in Article 4, paragraph 1.
Costs and Expenses  
The cost is a sacrifice that issued by the company in order to earn income that has not enjoyed the benefits. The entry of an asset on the balance sheet. Expense is a sacrifice that issued by the company in order to earn income that has enjoyed the benefits. The entry to the Profit / Loss. Accounting Record: All costs, whether for business or outside business activity is recognized by the company. Recording taxes, fees are recognized:
  • Expenses incurred to earn taxable income 
  • Expenses incurred to earn his or her income tax is not final 
  • Costs incurred to derive income from the activities of collecting, acquiring and maintaining
Basic Tax Withholding
  1. This assumption receives income to pay taxes every
  2. Reality after the sum of income tax paid for 1 year
  3. Mixture of income tax withheld each month, but still re-calculated on a tax return and paid the deficiency.

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